Who are we

Alocuro is a medical consultancy company that has over 25 years’ experience in assisting GPs and medical specialists in utilisation of the best available, validated research to improve their patient management and ultimately outcomes. Through the implementation of leading edge medical technologies and techniques, our highly qualified team can provide advice, documentation, workflows, OH&S design, patient targeted materials, in addition to the supply of the PRO-PRP devices. 

Alocuro regenerative medicine technologies offer a revolutionary approach in modern medicine. We can now deliver autologous blood products to accelerate and enhance  the body’s own natural healing process to repair and regenerate injured tissue.

Please visit our PRP website that provides information on all PRP treatment areas. www.alocuro.com.au


Our Medical Liaison team of scientifically trained professionals will be able to support the integration of PRP therapy into your clinical practice by provision of all necessary training for medical practitioners and their staff, supply of patient directed marketing materials, patient consents, workflows, post procedure care information to ensure that patients who receive PRP therapy from an Alocuro PRO-PRP device are receiving a highly standardised product with excellent ongoing QA which should lead to better clinical outcomes.


Within Australia, Alocuro will only sell to medical and dental practitioners, hospitals or clinical research facilities. To submit a contact form, please go to http://www.alocuro.com.au/contact-us/

E: info@alocuro.com.au;              W: www.alocuro.com.au                       F: https://www.facebook.com/cosmeticprp/
